Thursday, August 22, 2013

Busy Busy

Today I signed the official documents that will release my adoption information to me, if my birth parents are found and consent. Kinda a big deal, I guess. I never really thought I'd be doing this. It's not something I've always thought about. But, I'm glad I'm doing it now. Might as well try! Also, my sister was approved to go on the trip with me so I'm relieved about that- they are even letting her room with me. It will be nice to have some support while there. 

The boys and I have been sick for the past week so it's been tough keeping up with life's daily demands and everything has basically been put on hold, but slowly we are reemerging back to our old lifestyle. I sure miss seeing friends and going to the gym!! T has been so helpful and supportive and has really kept this house running. I can't be more thankful to have him as a husband. 

This next week is busy getting everything in order for the two weeks I'll be gone. Today the boys met the woman who will be watching them the first week. They seemed to like her and everyone got along, so that's something I can be less anxious about. I called my bank and the credit card companies to notify them of the trip and make sure my cards will work when there. I also reserved my cell phone for when I'm there...number to come soon. I ordered some photo gifts for family if we are reunited. Got some really comfortable walking shoes, new socks, and a dual voltage hair straightener. But I still have a ton more things to get in order before I can even start getting excited about the trip. Every day from here on out there is much to do- we just need to feel better!!

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